Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Richard Maize on The Importance of Physical Exercise for Executives

Richard Maize on The Importance of Physical Exercise for Executives

"Having an exercise routine as a business executive is probably as important as anything you can do for yourself," says Richard Maize.

Richard Maize is respected for his comprehensive, professional knowledge of real estate, mortgage banking and general business practice. Maize was ranked as the number one mortgage banker in the United States and serves today as a consultant to dozens of businesses both in the US and abroad.

"Even as the conclusive tests will reveal of all the benefits to you physically and mentally, the mental edge you get from an hour of exercise everyday is incomprehensible.  A routine that includes at least 40 minutes of cardio exercise will bring your mental being up to a level for the entire day."

 "As a business person, that amount of exercise will spur new ideas and allow for better concentration.  The obvious health benefit trumps all others.  If there is stress in your life, exercise battles the physical deterioration that this causes."
Maize adds: "A change in routine is also important.  I, personally have started doing spinning 4 to 5 times a week and lifting light weights twice a week.  Once, my body adapts to this healthy exercise routine, I may revert back to jogging on or off a treadmill so that my routine does not become mundane and will continue to challenge by body." 
"Working out not only keeps you young in mind, body and spirit.  While I work out personally, my mind drifts off and I will think of business issues and will often come up with answers during my workouts.  Even while on vacations, my body will react to long walks or activities that other people my age will wear down."
Richard Maize says that he enjoys a weekly dosage of golf and tennis.
Maize concludes: "I have had a sports trainer as my finance situation will allow.  For me, after a certain amount of trainer training he or she becomes somewhat of a highly productive and motivating baby sitter. Encourages one to continue their routine.  I love them. Especially in helping to stretch you after the workout."

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