Monday, January 17, 2011

Richard Maize: How Do I Get Employment, Jobs In Real Estate During A Recession?

Los Angeles ---- January 17, 2011 ..... "This is a difficult time for the US real estate and the mortgage markets," says Richard Maize. "Unemployment is up and your interest is in the real estate or mortgage fields as an employee. How does one get a job and what is the real estate marketing looking for?"

"We are looking at one of the most difficult years in selling real estate and securing a mortgage. Lenders are poised to take back more homes this year than any other since the US housing meltdown began in 2006. About 5 million borrowers are at least two months behind on their mortgages and industry experts say more people will miss payments because of job losses and also loans that exceed the value of the homes they are living in," says Richard Maize.

"The blistering pace of foreclosures this year will top 2010, when a record 1 million homes were lost. One in every 45 US households received a foreclosure filing last year, a record 2.9 million of them. That's up 1.67 percent from 2009. But you still want to work in real estate."
 Maize suggests to differentiate between these two markets.
"Real estate - to come out of the box for the first time to be a residential real estate agent would be an uphill battle (unless of course you have a family or friend base that qualifies you as an exception).  However, you need to look at the marketplace as a whole and think outside the box. Come up with a niche that will not label you as another residential real estate broker," says Richard Maize.  

"Be the guy or woman who can produce REOs (real estate owned by the bank or mortgage holder) directly from the institution that may result in a lower than market acquisition for your client.  Or be an expert on how to buy real estate at the county steps on the day of sale.  Perhaps you are the person with the know how of getting to a defaulter (about to lose their home by way of a foreclosure) prior to sale when there is real equity in their home and both the seller and buyer could benefit.  These are a few ideas that can put you in the minority of this field."  

Maize continues: "There are many other ideas you can explore in the real estate market especially if you have a desire to get good in the commercial arena.  The money and ideas are endless because of the state of the country in both the lack of availability in finance and the dismal condition of the commercial real estate economy.  What an opportunity for the smart and initiative person in this field.  There is always an opportunity during an economic crisis." 
"If a clerical position is what you actually want and you are not the creative self motivator that works on commission yet still wanting to participate in the real estate markets.  You need to find top producers in your area.  You need to have another approach that you show you are beneficial to them as being part of their team.  You need to show by hiring you that in fact you will bring something to the table outside rather than  simply clerical efficiencies."

"One thing is that you can come up with a better and more efficient way to do their business whether it is a new software or a much more organized manner to produce.  Bring something to the table.  You might even bring one of the niche's from above to hand to your new prospective boss and give him the benefit of the working something that you bring that will equate to more money for him or her.  You may get a higher pay because of your initiative." 

Maize addresses the mortgage market.  

"Here is a good way to get through the door of a mortgage company. Call the manager of the company or one of the top producers.  Tell them that you are anxious to work and that you have a solutions for a large producer to be more effecient and secure potential clients (i.e - business managers or realtors) that he may not have access to."  
"Going to a company like Bank of America or Wells Fargo for example are a bit more difficult unless you have experience in mortgage management.  With that desire and background, you then have an opportunity to perhaps run a small division in the larger institutions." 

"A mortgage broker is starting to be a rare breed.  The broker in the eyes of many in the US government was partly the cause of the mortgage meltdown.  I understand why the blame is directing it to the brokers, but the banks and institutions in my opinion because of the desire to place money to anyone, created the open desert for the brokers - another day another story."    

"Why go into this field?  However, eventually, this market will evolve into a growing, profitable position. Mortgages are the nucleus to the real estate market.  Better rates, higher demand.  Funds available, higher prices.   My opinion is to look at a small bank that has a desire to create a mortgage division within its four corners.  If you have the experience, you might apply for a managers role.  If you don't have managerial experience, try to get a job behind the scenes and create a position for yourself."

Richard Maize states: "I can write pages and pages for the real estate job seeker to help position them properly to get the job into either one of the positions noted above.  Each person has a different circumstance and qualities to bring to the table so that it is absolutely impossible to help everyone without a question and answer for each situation. I am here for your questions. Join me on my Facebook page for Q and A.  

Monday, January 10, 2011

Richard Maize: US Real Estate Trends For 2011

Richard Maize: US Real Estate Trends For 2011

Maize states: "My opinion for 2011 is that interest rates will increase from its current very low numbers. This factor is a negative for the industry. If we are keeping score we are 0 for 1 as to a positive for 2011 real estate market."

Richard Maize: Donating to USO Provides Security To US
Quote startThe negatives (obviously, this is so simplicit to all the factors that are involved in the price and market improvement) are the upcoming increase in the interest rates and the economy in a whole. The positives are consumer confidence and the prices.Quote end
Los Angeles  January 10, 2011
Richard Maize, one of America's most respected businessmen and philanthropists, responds to current indicators for the US real estate market for 2011.
"This is a difficult topic to discuss because of the vast variety of types of real estate in the United States i.e. - commercial, residential, industrial - and different areas that are greatly impacted with other parts of the country less affected . A simple answer is too general. I will discuss this in general terms and some of my thoughts as to the direction of the overall real estate marketplace," says Richard Maize.
"Here are a few simplicit factors that have an affect in the US real estate market: interest rates - the lower the rate, the more affordable your real estate is to the buyer (or holder) of property. More than any other asset, real estate ownership will almost always carry a mortgage."
Richard Maize continues: "Lower interest rates also generate money by means of refinancing (both by cash out and lowering payments allowing for more spendable each month because of the lower payments) that activates employment by the banks and lenders and all the acceleratory jobs such as escrow, title, appraisers, etc."
"While looking at the commercial market, the lower the rates the greater the cash flow or net spendable," says Richard Maize. "In the residential marketplace, the lower the rate, the more you can borrow with the same income stream opposed to a less amount at a greater interest rate. After an extended time with these lower rates and the confidence level increases, the lower rate will also increase demand/value of the properties. Interest rates are strongly affected by the fear of inflation. The higher interest rates fight inflation."
Richard Maize states: "My opinion for 2011 is that interest rates will raise from its current very low figures. This factor is a negative for the industry. If we are keeping score we are 0 for 1 as to a positive for 2011 US real estate market."
"The economy - the economy both national and international has a major impact on the real estate market. From the lowest economic level buyers to the most wealthy. The low end we are dealing with basic employment (at an almost all time high unemployment rate in some areas). Without gainfully employed, cannot be in the market for a house (at least unlikely)," says Maize.
"The other issue for those who had a hard time in their own financial crisis, their credit profile is damaged and will take a number of years to repair itself. What that may equate to is no finance on new cars or new home loans. This could help lead to a stalling economic recovery when the other fundamentals have improved," says Richard Maize.    
"Even those that are employed, they could be overqualified for their position for a salary far less than their value because their profession is not hiring or surviving this recession."    
"Low wages is another factor - no buyers for a new home," says Richard Maize. "The higher net worth individuals have also reduced their spending limits for a home which will limit the higher end homes sales. Basic economic equation is supply and demand. Limited demand brings prices down - economy is a negative for real estate sales. There are no real signs in the general economic sectors of a big turn in retail sales or other major economic indices for 2011. We are now 0 for 2."
"Consumer confidence. We have something here that could be a glimmer of hope. In many of the cities of the United States, most real estate owners remember other real estate slow downs and are waiting for the recovery (although in my opinion there are other factors that could cause these optimistic folks a long wait for the pot of gold) and don’t want to miss the lower priced real estate. Now 1 for 3," says Richard Maize.
Richard Maize illustrates a positive.
"Prices - well we have another winner here. The prices have deteriorated enough for some demand either by eager sellers or REOs (property owned by banks and lenders) at reduced prices - even lower than the “now” market price. We are now at 2 for 4."
"I expect to see homes prices continuing to fall this year, if a forecast made by Clear Capital is correct," says Richard Maize.
Maize states that national home prices may experience a 3.7 percent year-over-year drop this year, according to the company’s 2010 home data index market report — an analysis of the top 50 metro areas. While not as severe as the 4.1 percent year-over-year decline recorded in 2010, price declines are expected to continue as unemployment and real estate owned property levels remain high.
"Housing prices will continue to fall but with more consistency than last year. In 2010, federal incentives offered to home buyers threw the housing market into a tailspin, creating periods of extremes in activity. In 2011, ebb and flow of home prices should be more gradual," says Richard Maize.
Maize says that the National Association of Home Builders, the American Home Furnishings Alliance and the International Housewares Association have observed as a new frugality among buyers. It applies to everything from house size, to the cost of furnishings and the features of home appliances. The same consumer caution that brought us the “staycations’ of the previous decade will continue to drive many of 2011’s home-related trends.
“People are still spending, says Richard Maize, “but they are limiting what they are spending on.” In many cases the spending will be on improvements to make home more comfortable, he said. Others will spend only as needed. If an essential appliance breaks, for example, the replacement will likely need to be a high-performer, with greater value in terms of both pricing and function, Maize said. “It’s got to be more for your money.”
"So, lets summarize," adds Maize. "The negatives (obviously, this is so simplicit to all the factors that are involved in the price and market improvement) are the upcoming increase in the interest rates and the economy in a whole. The positives are consumer confidence and the prices. I think the first two negatives outweigh the positives and we have a flat outcome in the upcoming year for real estate."
Richard Maize concludes: "That is also my opinion regarding the commercial real estate world but there are definite buys out there that make sense in today’s climate. One good word about real estate trends for 2011 is that green homes will become increasingly affordable, smart and energy efficient. That we are witnessing a true increase and expansion in eco-friendly homes and this is a step in the right direction for all."
The Rochelle and Richard Maize Foundation is a philanthropic organization that supports and contributes volunteer and financial resources to causes locally in the community and worldwide by supporting meaningful programs focusing on art, culture, family services and health care that work to help people live more fulfilling lives.
Richard Maize, a respected leader in the mortgage banking real estate industry, and a mentor to young entrepreneurs, has generously supported organizations and causes including the American Cancer Society, Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services, Hurricane Katrina, Los Angeles Police Foundation, USO, Haiti earthquake relief efforts, Israel Flying Aid, Maccabiah Jewish Olympic Games and the Cedars Sinai Board of Governors.
Richard Maize and his wife, Rochelle Maize, are longtime benefactors of many other non-profit organizations and Richard Maize has been recognized for his efforts on behalf of more than a dozen charitable groups and community projects.
The Rochelle and Richard Maize Foundation supports an extraordinary number of foundations, organizations, and non-profit groups.
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Friday, January 7, 2011

Green Youth Movement Collaborates with West Hollywood Food Coalition to Feed LA Homeless

Rochelle Maize
Media Representative
Green Youth Movement
Ph. 310 888-3367


 Green Youth Movement Collaborates with
 West Hollywood Food Coalition to feed LA homeless

Nonprofit Greens Los Angeles’s
City Streets To Raise Environmental Awareness

Los Angeles, CA – January 7, 2011 – This Sunday, January 9th, Los Angeles-based nonprofit, Green Youth Movement (GYM), will promote a different kind of recycling….RE-USING FOOD!  In collaboration with West Hollywood Food Coalition, several members of GYM have arranged to spend the evening working directly with The Food Coalition to help feed the homeless.  

As done in years past, the young members have found this a rewarding experience to be directly involved along with members of the Coalition to provide a hot, nourishing meal to the less fortunate in our community.

The Food Coalition RECYCLES food from all available sources in Los Angeles (hotels, restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, produce markets, caterers, film studios, etc), to provide the homeless with a continuing supply of the highest quality fresh food.  Our youth are committed to the three “R’s” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), and find this an important element in giving back to the community.  The members have decided this is event to be an ongoing tradition. To take this event one green step further, the GYM members will be distributing warm clothing that they have RECYCLED form their own clothing drive.     

Chloe Mills, GYM’s President, has been instrumental in taking GYM to the next level. GYM was founded by LA’s Ally Maize who at 15, had a dream to implement environmental awareness programs in our school system “ I have personally witnessed the power of our youth with greener lifestyle choices.  We need to focus on personal responsibility,” says Maize.   We are now proud to announce the launch of our “Ambassador Program” in 2011.  GYM is reaching out to local schools to promote involvement and invite a representative from each school to become an active GYM member, contributing ideas to GYM on growth and concerns and also relaying a message of Environmental Conscientiousness to the student body encouraging and educating our youth on their ability to make a change. 

Both Ally Maize and Chloe Mills will be attending the event.

About The Green Youth Movement:
The Green Youth Movement (GYM) is comprised of students who are concerned about the environment.  As a Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization, founded by Ally Maize at the young age of 15, GYM aims to educate kids and teens about environmental awareness, green living and sustainability.  Collectively, this age group can make a big difference in reducing environmental impacts for a brighter, greener future.  For more information and/or to get involved, please visit

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*All press inquiries and follow up stories, please contact Rochelle Maize at  or 310 888-3367

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Richard Maize: Outlook For US Real Estate For 2011

Richard Maize: Outlook For US Real Estate For 2011

Los Angeles --- January 8, 2011 ..... Richard Maize, one of America's most respected businessmen and philanthropists, comments on US real estate for 2011.

"This is a difficult topic because of the vast variety of types of real estate in the United States i.e. - commercial, residential, industrial - and different areas that are impacted with other parameters in this great country.  A simple answer is too general.  I will discuss this in general terms and some of my thoughts as to the direction of the overall marketplace," says Maize.  

"Here are a  few simplicit factors in the US real estate market:  interest rates - the lower the rate, the more affordable your real estate is to the buyer (or holder) of property.   Lower interest rates also generate money by means of refinancing (both by cash out and lowering payments allowing for more spendable each month because of the lower      payments) that activates employment by the banks and lenders and all the acceleratory jobs such as escrow, title, appraisers, etc. "

Maize states: "My opinion for 2011 is that the interest rates will raise from it’s current very low rates.  This factor is a negative for the industry."

"The economy - the economy both national and international has a major impact on the real estate market.  From the lowest economic level buyers to the most wealthy.  The low end we are dealing with basic employment (at an almost all time high unemployment rate in some areas).  Without gainfully employed, cannot be in the market for a house (at least unlikely).  The other issue for those who had a hard time in their own financial crisis, their credit profile is damaged and will take a number of years to repair itself.  What that may equate to is no finance on new cars or new home loans.   This could help lead to a stalling economic recovery when the other fundamentals have improved," says Maize.    

"Even those that are employed, they could be overqualified for their position for a salary far less than their value because their profession is not hiring or surviving this recession."    

"Low wages is another factor - no buyers for a new home.   The higher net worth individuals have also reduced their spending limits for a home which will limit the higher end homes sales.  Basic economic equation is supply and demand.  Limited demand brings prices down - economy is a negative for real estate sales.  There are no real signs in the general economic sectors of a big turn in retail sales or other major economic indices  for 2011."

"Consumer confidence. We have something that could be a glimmer of hope.  In many of the cities of the United States, most real estate owners remember other real estate slow downs  and are waiting for the recovery (although in my opinion there are other factors that could cause these optimistic folks a long wait for the pot of gold) and don’t want to miss the lower priced real estate."

 Maize illustrates a positive. "Prices - well we have another winner here.  The prices have deteriorated enough for some demand either by eager sellers or REOs (property owned by banks and lenders) at reduced prices (even lower than the “now” market price)." 

"I expect to see homes prices continuing to fall this year, if a forecast made by Clear Capital is correct," says Maize.
National home prices may experience a 3.7 percent year-over-year drop this year, according to the company’s 2010 home data index market report — an analysis of the top 50 metro areas. While not as severe as the 4.1 percent year-over-year decline recorded in 2010, price declines are expected to continue as unemployment and real estate owned property levels remain high.
Housing prices will continue to fall but with more consistency than last year. In 2010, federal incentives offered to home buyers threw the housing market into a tailspin, creating periods of extremes in activity. In 2011, ebb and flow of home prices should be more gradual.

Maize says that the National Association of Home Builders, the American Home Furnishings Alliance and the International Housewares Association have observed as a new frugality among buyers. It applies to everything from house size, to the cost of furnishings and the features of home appliances. The same consumer caution that brought us the “staycations’ of the previous decade will continue to drive many of 2011’s home-related trends.
“People are still spending, says Richard Maize, “but they are limiting what they are spending on.” In many cases the spending will be on improvements to make home more comfortable, he said. Others will spend only as needed. If an essential appliance breaks, for example, the replacement will likely need to be a high-performer, with greater value in terms of both pricing and function, Maize said. “It’s got to be more for your money.”


"So, lets summarize," says Maize. "The negatives (obviously, this is so simplicit to all the factors that are involved in the price and market improvement) are the upcoming increase in the interest rates and the economy in a whole.  The positives are consumer confidence and the prices.   I think the first two negatives outweigh the positives and we have a flat outcome in the upcoming year for real estate." 

Maize concludes: "That is also my opinion regarding the commercial real estate world but there are definite buys out there that make sense in today’s climate. One good word about real estate trends for 2011 is that green homes will become increasingly affordable, smart and energy efficient. That we are witnessing a true increase and expansion in eco-friendly homes and this is a step in the right direction for all."